Wednesday, May 5, 2010

There's an app for that

Decline of Publishing
Under threat from the creditors
the newspaper's editors
found their passion
for fashion
and sexual predators. 

 Craigslist pissed off the daily news; sorely their revenues were missed.

Friday, April 23, 2010

This is slimmerick!

Board Games and World Events
The Spartans improperly
Thought at Thermopylae
That the Persians
Had new versions
Of Risk and Monopoly.

This has potential to be a crossover hit.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

forced rhyme is fun like fisting
Fighting New Age
Becomes more
Of a bore
As you age.

Old hat like a Sagittarius from Polaris who wore weary batman underwear over his clitoris.

Riling the reptile


What disturbed my rest
was a violent ingest
by a riled reptile
I wrestled in the Nile
Thank God I awoke in the midwest!

This poem is actually about a wet dream, narrated by someone "in deNile."

The Second Sex Act

A Grand Intrusion

Jean Renoir
Was in my boudoir
The Rules of the Game
Were really quite tame
Our safeword was au revoir

Simone de Beauvoir is the rhyme that dare not speak its name, the traitor-narrator.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Close Reading

Cheney's Concern
Department of Jihad
Boom bomb god
gives wolf blitz
the shits
quereliz façade

1."bomb bomb god/blitz" Thunder(word)/lightening 2. "quereliz" querulous/quarrelous/queer Liz/Querelle

Monday, April 19, 2010

Green face, green grass

The Importance of Alcohol

Your mortal coil
's gonna spoil
Aerate a bit
Water it
It's just soil

I've often felt myself sprouting after a few beers.